juliana kae

Huntington Beach Engagement | Haley & Eric

Haley & Eric

Huntington Beach Engagement

Cleveland, Ohio

Haley and Eric’s journey began long before they started dating. Meeting in college through mutual friends they both caught each other’s eye. Although they didn’t see each other for the rest of the semester, fate had other plans. When Haley went to Paris for a semester Eric kept on asking her best friend what Haley was up to and when she’s coming back so he could ask her on a date. They went to their Fraternity Valentines Day party for their first date and the rest is history. This love story puts a smile on my face 🙂 but the proposal melts my heart. I will let Haley tell you about this special day:

My family had planned a trip to Europe in early May 2020. We were planning on going to London, Paris, and Capri and I thought that this would be the perfect place for Eric to pop the question 🙂 To my surprise, we were headed out to dinner on Feburary 29th and Eric told me he wanted to go look at the lake before we headed out. I was a little suspicious at this point since Eric doesn’t usually make dinner reservations for us without asking me first but I had myself convinced there was no way it was going to happen until we went on our trip. We got out of the car to go look at the lake and before I had a chance to say anything I turned around and Eric was on one knee explaining that he used to ride his bike to this spot when he first moved up to Cleveland and how he had always dreamed of proposing to me there. Then he popped the question in the freezing cold and we were engaged! We went back to our little house and he had champagne and a cheese board from Heinens hidden behind our house for us to eat while we called our family and friends. After that, he arranged a dinner with my whole family at the Black Pig in Ohio City. It was such a special night and I will never forget it.

Giving me the chills… How sweet and unforgettable that day must have been.. Well since both Haley and Eric love the vibe of the water and the calming and romantic feel it gives off we just had to do their engagement session at the beach – and it was a stunning one. I love that Haley planned a little picnic with champagne to celebrate, it was an evening I will never forget. Here are a few of my favorites..

Beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, bay village engagement
Huntington Beach engagement, Cleveland beach engagement

Simply perfect together – Haley and Eric, I just can’t wait for your big day!





juliana kae

Behind the lens


I love preserving timeless moments from your most intimate day by composing images that evoke feelings of the moment through rich and timeless imagery.